
Other Documents from TALC


March 2024 – Research & Development (R&D) Corporation Tax Credit Update

July 2023 – Revenue Note for Main TALC/TALC Direct: GPs with General Medical Services (GMS) income

June 2023 – Revenue Presentation on Enhanced Reporting Requirements

December 2022 – Appendix of Main TALC Minutes 6 December 2022 – DSP Escalation Process to obtain a PPSN to comply with a statutory obligation

October 2020 - Removal of ‘Online Banking’ payment option on Form 11 ROS Payment screen 

November 2018 - Revenue Presentation on structural realignment

May 2018 - Revenue Slides on Customer Engagement Strategy

April 2014 - Clarification given to Main TALC (VAT MOSS and VAT on green fees) meeting

TALC Audit

September 2022 – DWS Level 1 Revenue Compliance Intervention – taxpayers with warehoused debt

September 2022 – DWS Level 1 Revenue Compliance Intervention – eligible taxpayers with no warehoused debt

June 2021– Sample Revenue letter to the taxpayer: Reminder Corporation Tax Return (CT1) for the period ended 30 June 2020 

May 2021 – Revenue TWSS Reconciliation Reminder Notice

April 2021 – Revenue sample letter - Final warning to employers about subsidy data required for TWSS Compliance Check

March 2021 – Revenue sample letter reminding of the requirement to file a Form CT1 for 2019

February 2021 – Revenue sample of letters to taxpayers (and agents) reminding of the requirement to file a Form 11 for 2019:

February 2021 – Revenue sample letters to employers about subsidy data required for TWSS reconciliation:

February 2021 – Revenue TWSS Compliance Check Sample Reminder Letters:

June 2020 – Sample Revenue letter to the taxpayer:

February 2020 – Revenue CT1 2018 “Non-filer” letter

February 2020 – Bulk issue reminder letters to non-filers Form 11 return for 2018:

December 2019 – Proprietary Directors: Revenue General Guidance on PAYE issues

August 2019 – Sample Revenue letter: bulk issue Form 12 2018 request

October 2016 – Clarification: List of CAT Issues identified by Revenue

TALC Collections

June 2024 – ROS Screenshots – Priority Email Address in MyEnquiries

February 2023 – Revenue Income Tax Registration Cancellation Notice

September 2022 – Revenue sample letter to taxpayers who have not met their payment obligations for Local Property Tax (LPT)

November 2021 – Revenue response: whether Standard Capital Superannuation Benefit (SCSB) is based on normal salary or salary paid under TWSS

September 2021 – MyEnquiries Data Retention Policy

July 2021 – Slides from Revenue’s ePSWT webinar for Institute members 

March 2021 – Revenue sample letters to taxpayers (and agents) who have availed of warehousing advising them of the updated position:

March 2021 – Presentation: Form CT1 Changes

March 2021 – Revenue ROS Update

September 2020 – Presentation: Form 11 Changes

March 2020 – TALC Collections ROS Update

December 2019 – eCG50: outline of process for TALC

September 2019 – Revenue letter to Form 11 paper filers about benefits of early filing

August 2019 – Revenue Update on EFT and transition to Danske Bank

June 2019 – Revenue ROS Update

June 2018 – Revenue clarification: tax offsets

November 2017 – Presentation: Form 11 update

June 2016 – Revenue clarification (completing a partnership registration online)

TALC Direct/Capital Taxes

September 2023 – Revenue slides on General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) Revision 2023

July 2023 – Revenue Note for Main TALC/TALC Direct: GPs with General Medical Services (GMS) income

December 2022 – Revenue response to PRSA queries

December 2021 – Revenue Paper on Exchange Traded Funds TDM 27-01a-03

TALC BEPS Implementation

January 2024 – Revenue responses to ITI technical queries on filing a DAC7 return

September 2020 – Revenue responses to ITI Queries on the DAC6 XML Schema User Guide

August 2020 – Filing a DAC6 Report on ROS

TALC Indirect

March 2024 – VAT Registrations Presentation to Indirect TALC Sub-Committee

October 2021 – Postponed Accounting Paper