On 12 February, the Institute responded to the Department of Finance’s public consultation on the Employment Investment Incentive (EII). The EII scheme is a vital source of finance for early stage and small businesses. Rather than solely relying on Government to inject cash into the economy, the EII could be used, by the private sector, to support the return to business following the Covid‐19 pandemic and to boost the creation […]
In Episode 3 of our podcast series, Tax Talk, our host Samantha McCaughren chairs a timely discussion on the current state of play in the Global Tax Reform programme. With the arrival of the Biden administration at the Whitehouse, what are the chances of an agreement by July 2021 on the OECD’s principles for a new international system of corporate tax? Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of Tax Policy and Administration at […]
As of 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer a member of the European Union (EU). Regardless of the outcome of the negotiations reached at the end of 2020, businesses that move goods to, from or through Great Britain (UK excluding Northern Ireland) are required to complete customs formalities. In addition, individuals who buy goods online for personal use from Great Britain will have to consider if […]
December is always a very busy month for Chartered Tax Advisers (CTA) but even more so this year. So at the Irish Tax Institute, we want to make achieving your CPD requirements as efficient and cost effective as possible. Therefore, we have launched this year’s CPD bundles. They are: Topical issue for CTAs SME and private client Employment tax Find out more here If you purchase these online bundles, you […]
During the Committee Stage amendments to Finance Bill 2020, the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe T.D., introduced a change to the eligibility criteria for employers claiming subsidy payments under Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) from 1 January 2021. As outlined by Minister Donohoe during the Committee Stage debates; “For EWSS claims from 1 January 2021, the benchmark period for the turnover test will be rolled forward to quarters 1 and […]
Today (10/12/2020), Revenue announced an extension of the 2019 Pay and File deadline until 6pm Friday, 11 December 2020. Yesterday, Revenue processed almost 30,000 Form 11 returns for 2019 and over 14,000 returns have been filed via ROS so far today. The total number of 2019 income tax returns filed to date is now in excess of 500,000. Revenue acknowledges the on-going efforts by taxpayers and agents who are working […]