

CTA Logo

The Irish Tax Institute undertook a re-brand in 2016, which consisted of an in-depth audit of all brand materials. As part of the re-brand, a new logo was developed for use by our members and member firms. We would encourage members to use the new Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) logo.


EU Mutual Recognition

The EU adopted the Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications [2005/36/EC] to aid the transferability of professional qualifications between EU Member States, EEA countries and Switzerland.


Letters of Engagement

The Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct advises that members in practice should put in place a letter of engagement with their clients in order to agree their mutual understanding of the scope and nature of the assignment.


Professional Indemnity 

Professional Indemnity is a type of insurance that is designed to protect the tax adviser when a claim is made and damages are awarded against them, arising out of an act error or omission committed by them in giving professional advice.


Re-admission Procedures 

For former members of the Institute who wish to apply for re-admission to membership and existing Associate members and Fellow members who wish to use the Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA)” designation from 18 January 2012.


Support Services

The Institute is aware that there will always be a small number of members who are seeking employment. The Institute would like to remind members who are currently seeking work of the support services provided by our Institute.

Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines

The Institute has recently updated its Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Guidelines for Members (the Guidelines). The Guidelines take into account legislation up to December 2019, including recent changes introduced by the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2018 (the Act) and regulations introduced in 2019.

AML Guidance Notes for Members 2021

Learn more