
Institute News

This is where you’ll find the latest updates about the Irish Tax Institute.

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Still Time to Register for the Autumn 2022 Courses

The Institute’s autumn 2022 online courses – Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) and Tax Technician – are designed to meet your level of tax knowledge and enhance it further. You will acquire technical tax knowledge through a blend of recorded and live online lectures, delivered by expert lecturers and tax advisers, and a student discussion forum. Each programme provides you with flexibility and our team of our coordinators will guide and […]

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ROS Offline/Online CT1 issues

At a TALC meeting last week, the Institute raised some issues members were experiencing when trying to access and upload ROS CT1s. It had been expected that the issues arising would have been resolved by a Revenue IT release over the weekend of 3 September. However, members had reported continuing issues with ROS Offline CT1s that were in draft at 16 August, when Revenue performed an IT update on ROS. […]

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Colm Browne, President of the Irish Tax Institute 2022 – 2023

Colm Browne was inaugurated as the Institute’s 47th President at the AGM today, 8 September. Colm is a Tax Director with PwC and heads up a centralised corporation tax compliance function for PwC in Kilkenny. Days before he took up his role, he spoke to Tax Talk host, Samantha McCaughren, to reflect on the evolution of corporation tax on the global stage and the implications it has on businesses in […]

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Career in Tax Fair 2022

The Career in Tax Fair 2022, for college students and recent graduates, is online again this year. When: 11.30am – 2.30pm, Thursday 6 October 2022 Where: Online For Who: All college students and recent / soon-to-be graduates Tax affects everyone and drives how decisions are made, no matter how big or small. A career in tax is a diverse and exciting profession, with no two days the same. As a Chartered Tax Adviser […]

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Tax Talk Episode 10: The R&D Tax Credit

As the Department of Finance continues its review of the R&D Tax Credit, the Institute hosted a podcast to explore how this critical part of our corporation tax offering could be made more effective in building innovation and productivity in our economy. Our Tax Talk host, Samantha McCaughren was joined by Institute Council member, Ian Collins, Tax Partner and Head of Innovation with EY and highly respected tech investor, Elaine […]

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COVID-19 HUB: Wage Subsidy, CRSS/BRSS, Debt Warehousing & Other Measures/Supports

During this time of deep uncertainty, the Institute wants to reassure you that we are well set up to provide the best possible level of service within the health and safety constraints that must prevail as the country battles the Covid-19 pandemic. We are acutely aware that this rapidly evolving crisis is deeply worrying for our members, our students and for Irish businesses. To support you, we have assembled on […]

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