
Submission to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare

On Monday, 17 January, the Institute responded to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare’s (CoTW) public consultation, “Your Vision, Our Future”. The CoTW has been tasked by the Government to consider how the taxation and welfare systems can best support economic activity and promote increased employment and prosperity in Ireland. The Consultation The CoTW’s consultation was in the form of an online questionnaire, covering fiscal sustainability, employment, climate, housing, supporting […]

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Expansion of COVID-19 Business Supports Announced on 21 December 2021

Today, Tuesday, 21 December, the Government announced changes to three COVID-19 business supports: the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS), the Covid Restriction Support Scheme (CRSS) and the Debt Warehousing Scheme to support hospitality and indoor entertainment which have been impacted by the latest public health restrictions that came into effect from 20 December 2021 and are due to run until 31 January 2022. Following the Government’s announcement, Revenue confirmed in […]

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Congratulating our new CTA and Tax Technician members at the virtual Conferring Ceremony

Welcoming the Class of 2021

On the evening of 25 November, we welcomed 272 newly qualified CTAs and a group of 28 Tax Technicians in our virtual annual Conferring Ceremony. There is no doubt that all of us would have preferred to be in O’Reilly Hall under the Christmas lights. Yet the Class of 2021 was celebrated from the safety of their homes, surrounded by family and friends. A safe and enjoyable way to mark […]

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Local Property Tax (LPT) – what you need to do

The revised deadline for property owners to submit their Local Property Tax (LPT) return for 2022 is 5pm, Wednesday 10 November 2021. LPT returns for over one million residential properties have been submitted to Revenue to date. Property owners have to do three things to comply with their LPT obligations by the deadline: determine the market value for their property as at 1 November 2021; submit their LPT return; and […]

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