
Institute News

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Pre-Budget 2022 Submission

Over the last 18 months, the innovative measures and schemes put in place by the Government to support businesses affected by the public health restrictions have allowed many businesses to survive, in particular SMEs and the entertainment, hospitality, and retail sectors. In our Pre-Budget 2022 Submission, delivered to the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe T.D and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath T.D. on 22 July, we concentrated […]

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Welcome to our newly qualified CTAs and Tax Technicians

On the evening of 6 May, we streamed our annual Conferring Ceremony to all our 2020 conferees and their families, welcoming 231 newly qualified CTAs and a group of 21 Tax Technicians. Though it was not the same as our in-person celebration at O’Reilly Hall, each individual was recognised for their achievement – and what an achievement it is to become qualified during a pandemic! Our President, Sandra Clarke, commended […]

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The Digital Evolution of the Irish Tax Review

The Institute is committed to delivering our services in the way that suits our members. Over the last year, we have learnt that we all can adapt quickly to new ways of working thanks to the flexibility of technology. We had already begun to consider the possibility of digitising our quarterly tax journal, Irish Tax Review (ITR), but the pandemic and member feedback made up our minds. The ease and […]

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A new International Tax Framework must enable growth in all economies and give certainty to business, says the Irish Tax Institute

The Irish Tax Institute believes the OECD’s Inclusive Framework offers the best opportunity of reaching agreement on global tax reform. “For that reason, we welcome the re-engagement of the US administration in the current process which, we hope will lead to a breakthrough in the long running negotiations by the OECD’s deadline of July this year,” said Institute President, Sandra Clarke. Speaking in advance of this afternoon’s International Taxation Seminar […]

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Fantasy Budget 2021 – The Winners

Fantasy Budget is our annual competition to get undergraduate students throughout Ireland exploring the Budget. We invite teams of up to four students to critically analyse key measures impacting individuals, Irish businesses, and foreign investment. They also must think like a Minister of Finance and propose a measure to be introduced. This year with a global pandemic, the participating teams had to apply their academic knowledge to an unprecedented real-life […]

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