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Budget 2022 came days after the Government announced its decision to sign up to the OECD Agreement on a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. It is too early to gauge the economic impact of this momentous decision, but the move to a global minimum rate raises questions about the future direction of our industrial policy. The economic outlook set out by the Minister for Finance in his Budget […]
12 October: The Irish Tax Institute welcomes the Government’s decision to continue the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) until the end of April 2022. The wage subsidy schemes have been a crucial support to businesses over the last 18 months and the gradual withdrawal of the EWSS in the coming six months will help companies worst affected by the pandemic. “We all know that the recovery has been uneven across […]
The Irish Tax Institute welcomes the agreement on the OECD tax reform proposals announced by the Government this evening. “The change in language around the global minimum rate secured by the Government as well as the commitment from the EU that the Commission will hold to that rate, brings much needed certainty and stability to the international tax system. This is good news for business and good news for governments […]
Karen Frawley was inaugurated as the Institute’s new President at the AGM on 9 September. Karen is a tax partner in Deloitte and a member of the firm’s international tax group. As she takes up her role, she spoke to our Tax Talk host, Samantha McCaughren. They reflected on a difficult year for the country and the profession and spoke about the challenges in the year ahead, including global tax […]
Over the last 18 months, the innovative measures and schemes put in place by the Government to support businesses affected by the public health restrictions have allowed many businesses to survive, in particular SMEs and the entertainment, hospitality, and retail sectors. In our Pre-Budget 2022 Submission, delivered to the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe T.D and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath T.D. on 22 July, we concentrated […]
On the evening of 6 May, we streamed our annual Conferring Ceremony to all our 2020 conferees and their families, welcoming 231 newly qualified CTAs and a group of 21 Tax Technicians. Though it was not the same as our in-person celebration at O’Reilly Hall, each individual was recognised for their achievement – and what an achievement it is to become qualified during a pandemic! Our President, Sandra Clarke, commended […]