
Institute News

This is where you’ll find the latest updates about the Irish Tax Institute.

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Pre-Budget 2023 Submission

Today, the Institute submitted its Pre-Budget 2023 Submission to the Government. The overall theme of the submission is enhancing Ireland’s competitiveness through tax policy levers. In the submission, we make the case for the Government, in the current changed global economic, monetary, and fiscal environment, to: have a relentless focus on competitiveness in all areas of the economy including Ireland’s corporate and personal tax systems; simplify the corporation tax code […]

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Revenue ‘Final Notices’ to taxpayers availing of debt warehousing who have overdue tax returns

This week, Revenue issued warning notices to taxpayers who are availing of the Debt Warehousing Scheme but have overdue tax returns. Businesses availing of the Scheme had been provided with a deadline of 30 April 2022 to file overdue tax returns. Revenue is now issuing ‘Final Notices’ to taxpayers whose tax returns remain outstanding. The Final Notices provide a 10-day timeframe to file all outstanding returns, with the notices warning […]

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The Fantasy Budget 2022 winners are…

The Fantasy Budget is our annual competition that encourages undergraduate students to explore the Budget. Teams of up to four students compete and critically analyse key measures which impact individuals, Irish businesses, and foreign investment. Then, they must think like a Minister for Finance and propose their own measure to be introduced. This year, the participating teams came from 8 third-level educational bodies, and they applied their academic knowledge with […]

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Register for summer CTA and Tax Technician courses

Registration is open for our online summer courses – Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) and Tax Technician. Tax affects all of us and the technical knowledge a professional tax qualification provides is highly sought after. Both of our summer courses are a blend of recorded and live online lectures, and a student discussion forum, providing you with flexibility when completing your qualification. Our team of coordinators will guide and support you […]

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Submission to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare

On Monday, 17 January, the Institute responded to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare’s (CoTW) public consultation, “Your Vision, Our Future”. The CoTW has been tasked by the Government to consider how the taxation and welfare systems can best support economic activity and promote increased employment and prosperity in Ireland. The Consultation The CoTW’s consultation was in the form of an online questionnaire, covering fiscal sustainability, employment, climate, housing, supporting […]

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