During this three-part session, our expert speakers will be covering the key areas you need to know in preparation for Income Tax Filing in 2022 including: Part 1 Tips & Traps – Lauren Clabby, KPMG What is new in Form 11 and Form 12 for 2021? How will Finance Act 2021 changes impact on returns? What e-Briefs are relevant to this filing season and why? How do I include adequate […]
This week, Revenue issued warning notices to taxpayers who are availing of the Debt Warehousing Scheme but have overdue tax returns. Businesses availing of the Scheme had been provided with a deadline of 30 April 2022 to file overdue tax returns. Revenue is now issuing ‘Final Notices’ to taxpayers whose tax returns remain outstanding. The Final Notices provide a 10-day timeframe to file all outstanding returns, with the notices warning […]
The Fantasy Budget is our annual competition that encourages undergraduate students to explore the Budget. Teams of up to four students compete and critically analyse key measures which impact individuals, Irish businesses, and foreign investment. Then, they must think like a Minister for Finance and propose their own measure to be introduced. This year, the participating teams came from 8 third-level educational bodies, and they applied their academic knowledge with […]
This week, Revenue is sending Important Information Notices to all businesses that are availing of the Debt Warehousing Scheme. These Notices are intended to provide businesses with certainty regarding their participation in the Scheme, outline next steps and if relevant, highlight the immediate action required to ensure that some businesses do not lose the benefits of the Scheme. Businesses fully up-to-date with their tax returns Businesses that are fully up-to-date […]
On Monday, 17 January, the Institute responded to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare’s (CoTW) public consultation, “Your Vision, Our Future”. The CoTW has been tasked by the Government to consider how the taxation and welfare systems can best support economic activity and promote increased employment and prosperity in Ireland. The Consultation The CoTW’s consultation was in the form of an online questionnaire, covering fiscal sustainability, employment, climate, housing, supporting […]