
2020 ITI/Revenue Branch Network Event

Over 500 members joined our online ITI/Revenue Branch Network Online Event on Wednesday 2 September 2020, to hear topical updates from Revenue’s Personal, Business, Medium Enterprises and the Collector General’s Divisions and a panel discussion based on the questions members had submitted in advance of the event. The presentation covered a wide range of topical issues including completing the 2019 Form 11,  plans for the PAYE End of Year Review, the TWSS reconciliation exercise and the July Jobs Stimulus measures – including EWSS, accelerated loss relief, the Stay and Spend Tax Credit, debt warehousing, Phased Payment Arrangements (PPA), and obtaining tax clearance.

The presentation slides from this event are available here

During the event, Revenue advised that they would be communicating with taxpayers who according to Revenue records, have tax liabilities that do not qualify for the debt warehousing arrangement for certain COVID-19 tax debts. The letters note the opportunity to include such debts in a PPA before 30 September to qualify for a 3% interest rate on outstanding liabilities and the steps to take to avail of this arrangement.  Copies of these communications are available below:

Read the ROS Notification

Read the mailshot to taxpayers