
The Branch Network

The Branch Network provides Institute members with a forum to engage directly with Revenue on tax administration issues

The Branch Network was established in 2003 and is unique to the Institute. It provides a forum for Institute members to interact with their local Revenue counterparts to discuss and resolve any issues arising in their day-to day interactions with Revenue and to hear about the latest developments in Revenue’s activities.

The Branch Network

The Institute’s Branch Network mirrors Revenue’s operational structure, and engages with Revenue’s six operational divisions; Personal Division, Business Division, Medium Enterprises Division, Large Corporates Division, High Wealth & Financial Services Division and the Collector-General’s Division. The aim of the Branch Network is to ensure Institute members are kept informed on important tax administration issues, are made aware of pressure points that may arise in Revenue service delivery and have a channel of communication with Revenue on tax administration issues. It also enables members to network with other Chartered Tax Advisers (CTA).

Each Branch is chaired by an experienced Institute member. Institute Branch representatives meet with senior personnel in Revenue on behalf of the members to discuss common issues. In addition, meetings with senior Revenue officials are held annually to discuss tax administration issues and developments.

Read our Branch Network Update Pack of Summary Notes 2020-2021 here.

ITI/Revenue Branch Network Events

Almost 500 members joined the ITI/Revenue Branch Network Webinar on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 to hear topical updates from Revenue’s Business, Collector-General’s, Medium Enterprises and Personal Divisions and a panel discussion and Q&A framed around feedback and questions submitted by members in advance of the event.

The presentations covered a wide range of issues including the compliance priorities for the divisions for 2023/2024, updates on implementation of the ERR, VHT, RZLT, DCPL, the implementation of the Compliance Intervention Framework, debt management and dealing with warehoused debt, Pay & File, Revenue’s participation in the SCARP and the Revenue Technical Service (RTS).

View the presentation slides from the 2024 Branch Network Event

Read about the 2023 ITI/Revenue Branch Network Event

Read about the 2022 ITI/Revenue Branch Network Event

Read about the 2021 ITI/Revenue Branch Network Event

Read about the 2020 ITI/Revenue Branch Network Event

A forum for your issues
The Branch provides a forum for members to engage with each other and with Revenue

Branch benefits
Members can obtain a range of benefits from participating in the Branch

Revenue’s National Divisions
Revenue reorganised its operational structure in November 2018