
Institute published Pre-Budget 2019 tax briefing papers

The Institute launched its Pre-Budget 2019 Briefing Papers this week. The report highlighted several key facts and figures, including: Taxpayers across all salary levels are paying more tax now than a decade ago. The big driver of this increasing level of progressivity between 2012 and 2018 is the USC. The International Tax Tables 2018 in association with KPMG demonstrate how as income levels rise, taxpayers in Ireland move quickly up […]

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Institute makes Pre-Budget 2019 Submission

Last Friday, the Institute delivered its Pre-Budget 2019 submission to the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D. The submission primarily focuses on issues impacting the indigenous sector and sets out a number of tax policy proposals relating to entrepreneurial measures, the KEEP share scheme and the R&D tax credit. We also included recommendations on the Finance Bill process, the tax appeals process and on administrative […]

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Minister delivers closing speech at the National Economic Dialogue on the framework for Budget 2019

Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D. delivered the closing speech at the National Economic Dialogue yesterday, where he set out the framework for Budget 2019. Minister Donohoe outlined six themes which will inform Budgetary choices. These are: How to continue to rebalance the economy towards changes that need to be made in the indigenous and domestic sector and how to respond to the very demanding […]

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Meet the Members Tour 2018

Over 600 members attended our annual Meet the Members Tour in nine locations around Ireland this month. The Institute updated attendees on the latest developments on Revenue-related and tax policy matters, including the Tax Appeals Commission; PAYE Modernisation; the international tax policy agenda; and our ongoing engagement with the Department of Finance through submissions and consultations. We received feedback and questions on a range of issues including; PAYE modernisation, ROS, Revenue’s […]

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Institute appears before the Oireachtas Budgetary Oversight Committee

Today, the Institute’s Communications Director, Olivia Buckley and Director of Tax Policy & Representations, Anne Gunnell appeared before the Oireachtas Budgetary Oversight Committee to outline the Institute’s tax policy recommendations for Budget 2019. The Institute highlighted Ireland’s high CGT rate, Revised Entrepreneur Relief limitations, the need for an effective EII scheme and a workable KEEP scheme, the outsourcing restrictions imposed on the R&D tax credit and the insufficient time to […]

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Institute makes submissions on LPT, Agri-tax, EII and SURE, and the Pre-Finance Bill

The Institute recently responded to three important public consultations. Firstly, in our submission to the consultation by the Department of Finance on Review of Local Property Tax (LPT), we recommended that the valuation date, exemptions and reliefs under the LPT regime should be regularly reviewed to ensure that the property tax continues to provide a stable and sustainable yield in the medium and long-term and that LPT should be deductible […]

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