
Tax Insight

Find the Irish Tax Institute’s latest submissions, consultations, publications and commentary on tax administration and policy.

Tax Talk Episode 10: The R&D Tax Credit

As the Department of Finance continues its review of the R&D Tax Credit, the Institute hosted a podcast to explore how this critical part of our corporation tax offering could be made more effective in building innovation and productivity in our economy. Our Tax Talk host, Samantha McCaughren was joined by Institute Council member, Ian Collins, Tax Partner and Head of Innovation with EY and highly respected tech investor, Elaine […]

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Pre-Budget 2023 Submission

Today, the Institute submitted its Pre-Budget 2023 Submission to the Government. The overall theme of the submission is enhancing Ireland’s competitiveness through tax policy levers. In the submission, we make the case for the Government, in the current changed global economic, monetary, and fiscal environment, to: have a relentless focus on competitiveness in all areas of the economy including Ireland’s corporate and personal tax systems; simplify the corporation tax code […]

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Important Update on the Debt Warehousing Scheme

This week, Revenue is sending Important Information Notices to all businesses that are availing of the Debt Warehousing Scheme. These Notices are intended to provide businesses with certainty regarding their participation in the Scheme, outline next steps and if relevant, highlight the immediate action required to ensure that some businesses do not lose the benefits of the Scheme. Businesses fully up-to-date with their tax returns Businesses that are fully up-to-date […]

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Submission to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare

On Monday, 17 January, the Institute responded to the Commission on Taxation and Welfare’s (CoTW) public consultation, “Your Vision, Our Future”. The CoTW has been tasked by the Government to consider how the taxation and welfare systems can best support economic activity and promote increased employment and prosperity in Ireland. The Consultation The CoTW’s consultation was in the form of an online questionnaire, covering fiscal sustainability, employment, climate, housing, supporting […]

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Tax Talk Episode 7: Budget 2022

Budget 2022 came days after the Government announced its decision to sign up to the OECD Agreement on a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. It is too early to gauge the economic impact of this momentous decision, but the move to a global minimum rate raises questions about the future direction of our industrial policy. The economic outlook set out by the Minister for Finance in his Budget […]

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