
Tax Talk Episode 4: Taxpayers’ Rights

The protection of taxpayers’ rights is central to the purpose of the Institute – the need to ensure an appropriate balance between their rights and obligations has long been a focus of our deliberations. Two years ago, the Institute set up a Working Group to examine how this might best be achieved. Given our work on this issue, we warmly welcomed the recently launched European Commission initiative on Taxpayers’ Rights, […]

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Response to the Feedback Statement on ATAD Interest Limitation Rule

On Monday 8 March, the Institute responded to the Department of Finance’s Feedback Statement on the implementation of the final measure of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD), Article 4 Interest Limitation Rule (ILR). The ILR, which will introduce a fixed based ratio rule to limit a company’s allowable tax deduction for net interest cost in a tax period to 30% EBIDTA, will be transposed into Irish law in Finance Bill […]

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Women in Tax on International Women’s Day

Just over half of the Irish Tax Institute’s members are women. To mark International Women’s Day, we spoke to a cross-section of women in tax. They reflected on their working lives and their experiences working in tax. We also got insight from Paul Vance, Head of Resourcing at KPMG, to see if the pipeline and working environment allow for women to succeed. In the first of three videos, we look […]

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Institute’s response to the public consultation on EII

On 12 February, the Institute responded to the Department of Finance’s public consultation on the Employment Investment Incentive (EII). The EII scheme is a vital source of finance for early stage and small businesses. Rather than solely relying on Government to inject cash into the economy, the EII could be used, by the private sector, to support the return to business following the Covid‐19 pandemic and to boost the creation […]

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Tax Talk Episode 3: Global Tax Reform

In Episode 3 of our podcast series, Tax Talk, our host Samantha McCaughren chairs a timely discussion on the current state of play in the Global Tax Reform programme. With the arrival of the Biden administration at the Whitehouse, what are the chances of an agreement by July 2021 on the OECD’s principles for a new international system of corporate tax? Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of Tax Policy and Administration at […]

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Brexit: What happens after 31 December 2020

As of 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer a member of the European Union (EU).  Regardless of the outcome of the negotiations reached at the end of 2020, businesses that move goods to, from or through Great Britain (UK excluding Northern Ireland) are required to complete customs formalities. In addition, individuals who buy goods online for personal use from Great Britain will have to consider if […]

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