Certificate in Capital Taxes for Private Clients CPD Only



Recorded Date: October – December 2019
CPD: 20 hours
Tutors Include: Julia Considine & Marianne Donaghy, Deloitte
Jennie Faughnan, EY
Aileen Keogan, Solicitor and Tax Consultant
Tracey O’Donnell, Byrne Wallace
Elaine O’Gara & Darragh Duffy, KPMG
Úna Ryan, Grant Thornton
Kieran Twomey, Joe Thompson & Conor Gilsenan, Twomey Moran

The Certificate in Capital Taxes for Private Clients will consolidate and refresh your knowledge through a mix of traditional lectures and workshop style sessions.
Topics Covered Include:
  • Tax technical update – CAT & CGT
  • Revenue engagement and legal considerations
  • Protecting wealth for specific individuals
  • Transferring wealth and providing for individuals
  • Transferring wealth involving family business or farm
  • Advising private clients at end of life
  • Stamp Duty and LPT
  • Tax Appeals

Click here for full brochure