
Featured Submission: Pre-Budget 2025 Submission

Participation Exemption for Foreign Dividends
Response to the Feedback Statement

May 2024

Roadmap for the Introduction of a Participation Exemption to Irish Corporation Tax

December 2023

Department of Finance Second Feedback Statement on Pillar Two Implementation

August 2023

Pre-Budget 2024 Submission

June 2023

Department of Finance Feedback Statement on Pillar Two Implementation

May 2023

Ireland’s Personal Tax System

April 2023

Pillar Two Minimum Tax Rate Implementation into Irish law

July 2022

Review of the R&D Tax Credit and KDB

May 2022

Territorial System of Taxation

March 2022

Commission on Taxation and Welfare

January 2022

Tax Treaty Policy

May 2021

Application of the Authorised OECD Approach to the Attribution of Profits to Branches of Non Resident Companies

April 2021

ATAD Implementation
Article 4 Interest Limitation

March 2021

Employment Investment Incentive

February 2021

Tax measures to reboot the economy

May 2020

Election 2020 Tax Briefing Papers

January 2020

Pre-Budget 2020 Briefing Papers

September 2019

Research & Development Tax Credit Review

June 2019

Response to the Department of Finance Public Consultation on Ireland's Transfer Pricing rules

April 2019

Response to the Consultation on ATAD Implementation - Hybrids and Interest Limitation

January 2019

Get prepared for PAYE Modernisation - A quick guide for Irish business

October 2018

Building Ireland's Future, The Role of the Professions

May 2018

Coffey cover

Response to the Department of Finance "Consultation on Coffey Review"

January 2018

A future tax strategy to grow Irish indigenous exports

June 2017

A Guide to Global Tax Reform

April 2017

Perspectives on Ireland's personal tax system

September 2016

The Impact of Removing the PAYE Tax Credit – The Impact on Ireland's Competitiveness

July 2016

Submission to the Select Committee on Arrangements for Budgetary Scrutiny

June 2016

A Guide to Global Tax Reform

March 2016